In advance of Earth Day on April 22, communities around the Metroplex are holding environmental and beautification events.
Your homeowner's association may be sponsoring an event for your neighborhood.
Or, find an opportunity to be community-minded and participate in Keep America Beautiful's Great American Cleanup events
throughout the area. The Great American Cleanup is the nation’s largest
community improvement program, taking place in some 20,000 communities
nationwide. Learn more about how you can get involved in a community event where you live.
Great American Cleanup-Plano, April 16
Great American Cleanup-Allen, April 16
Don't Mess with Texas Trash-Off --
all on April 16
Trash Bash-Balch Springs, April 16
Clean It and Green It- Frisco, April 23
Earth Day Texas, Fair Park, Dallas, April 22-24
Devise your own neighborhood event for your family with a scavenger hunt to pick up trash.
Here's a list to get you started. Scavenger Hunt List