Summer is in full swing, and for many of our youngest residents
that means they have the freedom to play outside to their heart’s content (or
at least until mom or dad call them back inside). While we encourage kids to
enjoy summer to the fullest, we also want everyone to stay safe. Here are a few
guidelines to make sure these school-free months go smoothly:
- Make sure your children are proactive about their safety.
Whether they’re playing at a park, swimming at a pool or riding their
bikes around the neighborhood, it’s important that kids understand what
types of injuries could occur during these activities and how they can
best avoid them. If an injury does occur, your kids need to know what
actions to take—such as alerting a trusted adult or, in the case of a true
emergency, calling 911.
- Supervise your kids at the pool. While it’s always a good idea
to keep an eye on your kids, it’s particularly important to make sure your
children have adult supervision while they’re in the water. It only takes
a second for even good swimmers to find themselves in a dangerous
situation, so it’s vital that kids are supervised by someone who knows the
signs of a distressed swimmer. To learn about how you can keep your family
safe at the pool, visit
- Slow down while driving through the neighborhood. All residents
should take note of this rule. With children out and about in full-force
during the summer, you’re more likely than ever to see a distracted kid
chasing after a run-away baseball or skateboarding on the streets. So slow
down, be extra aware of what’s going on around you, and be prepared to stop
suddenly if a child runs out into the road. Parents should remind kids
that they have a responsibility to be aware of oncoming cars as well, and
to be extra careful when they are on the street.
- Remind older kids to check in with you when they’re playing
without adult supervision. When kids are out on their own, it’s easy
for them to forget to let their parents know they’re okay. So establish a
set of rules, such as checking in every few hours or whenever they change
locations, and be firm about enforcing them. If your child has a hard time
remembering to give you a call every so often, it might be helpful to have
them set an alarm on their cell phone or watch so they don’t forget. It’s
a great way for kids to build a sense of independence and for you to know
they’re safe even when they’re not within sight.
While the summer can present many hazards, there’s no reason
your kids can’t come out of it unscathed (notwithstanding a few minor scrapes,
bruises and bug bites, of course). To learn more about how you can keep your
kids from getting hurt this summer, visit for
a list of great articles. Stay safe and enjoy this wonderful season.
Article courtesy of Community Associations Institute (CAI).