Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tips to be a Good Neighbor

Being a Good Neighbor

These are a few basic etiquette rules to be a good neighbor.  The ultimate goal is to live in peace and harmony, and even though that’s not always possible, you can at least do whatever it takes to prevent hostilities and long-lasting hard feelings.

Follow the Golden Rule to be a good neighbor. These are people you are likely to see everyday, or at least fairly often. You don’t want to have to lower your head in shame after you know you’ve misbehaved.

  • Observe and respect your neighbor’s personal space.
  • Try not to borrow anything, but if you must, return the item immediately after using it. If you break the item, pay to fix it or replace it.
  • Don’t be the neighborhood gossip. That’s just rude and will eventually come back to bite you.
  • If you have an issue with a neighbor, go directly to that person and discuss it in an adult manner. Don’t call the cops unless you are threatened.
  • Not everyone is a dog or cat lover, so show responsibility for your pets. That includes keeping them off the neighbor’s lawn and picking up after them.
  • Remember your neighbors during the holidays with a card or small homemade gift.
  • If your neighborhood has a homeowner’s association, know the rules and follow them.