Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Try Upcycling for Fresh Design Ideas

Another buzz word that you are hearing about on the internet. What is it? Upcycling is a process of turning old or discarded items into something that is useable. It is a wonderfully "green" idea because you do not throw things into the landfills, you find uses for things by finding a better purpose. It is also "thrifty" and a way to refashion an item into something else that is useful.
What can be up cycled? If you use your imagination, you will find creative ways to use old materials. 
  1. Cut up an old t-shirt to make strips to make yarn  for a rag rug, for example.
  2. Old tires can be used to create a bucket.
  3. You can use old cans for planting things-just creatively paint or decorate them.
  4. Hang an old suitcase on the wall to use as a shelf.
  5. You can make a light fixture form old plastic milk containers.
  6. Use old greeting cards for gift tags on presents.
There are numerous ideas and the list is just limited by your own imagination. So, when you take something old and find another use for it, you are up cycling and protecting the environment, being creative and thrifty, all at the same time.

Thanks to Tamara Hyland of http://www.TotalRenaissanceConstruction.com for being our guest blogger.