Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Protect Yourself from Package Theft

Package theft, also known as "front porch shopping", rises during the holiday season. If you are shipping any gifts this month, below are some package protection tips:

  • Skip the surprise: inform the receiver you are sending the package, and send it to a location where s/he will be on-hand to sign for it. The goal is to make sure the package isn't unattended for a significant length of time.
  • Consider going one step further and asking the receiver to pick the package up at a shipping facility.
  • Track your shipments online to confirm delivery and/or require signature for receipt.
  • When you send the package, ship it from the facility rather than leaving it outside your home for pickup.
  • Insure valuable items.
  • Watch for vehicles following delivery vans in your village. Some thieves track shipment drivers from house to house.

This post courtesy of the Communications Team at Stonebridge Ranch Community Association.